4 Highly Effective Ways to Sell CIPP Lining to Potential Clients

4 Highly Effective Ways to Sell CIPP Lining to Potential Clients

Piping lining technology has been used in the plumbing industry for decades however, some of your clients may be skeptical about the technology. Often called a no-dig solution to failing drain pipelines, cured-in-place-pipe (CIPP) lining can help homeowners, property managers, and even cities avoid re-piping. Digging through concrete slab, sidewalks, and lawns, CIPP lining is a way to solve a failing drainpipe in an effective way without the mess of a conventional re-pipe. CIPP lining can sometimes be hard to conceptualize, however, by using these tips your potential clients will gain a better understanding why they should consider solving their drain problem with CIPP lining.

CIPP Lining Samples

The majority of people are visual learners luckily, there are ways to visually show what CIPP liners look like after the curing process. Creating samples can; help you show your clients what the CIPP lining product looks like in a damaged pipe, be able to physically touch the hardened epoxy, and have the ability to look inside the cured liner to examine the “new” internal pipe structure. Creating samples can be done in several ways. A section of damaged pipe about 2 to 3 feet long with a cured liner is an extremely good visual however; it can be heavy to carry around in some situations. In that case, you may want to also make smaller liner examples so that you can easily pass the samples around. Samples are an easy way for clients to physically touch, smell, and understand the epoxy that’s so instrumental to the CIPP lining process.


Case Studies

The ability for you to showcase your CIPP lining experience in the industry is extremely important in winning over a skeptical client. Building case studies can be the way to highlight those past jobs that show the value and experience of your company. Clients want to know if you’ve seen a similar problem to theirs and how you solved it. It’s important to send these clients similar projects to their property’s problems so they can compare “apples to apples.” If your skeptical client is in the condominium industry do not give them a case study from a residential job.


If you don’t already know the value of video then you’ll know now! 4.9 million videos are viewed on YouTube every day! Creating and sharing a video about the CIPP lining process from start to finish is extremely worthwhile not just for showing clients about the CIPP lining process it also elevates your businesses presence online. In the past year, you’ve probably noticed the increase in videos on your Facebook feed. This change is due to viewership behavior – people are more likely to engage with videos.


Physical demonstrations of the CIPP lining process are a bit more complicated to set up however; they can be great networking opportunities. If setting up a specific event for a live demonstration is outside what you think your company will be able to handle, there are other ways to show potential clients the CIPP process. If you happen to have a job going on in their area that similar to their project invite them to the job site with you. Narrate what’s going on in the job while the technicians are working. Whether you know it or not, watching the process puts the mystery and fear of the unknown out of the process.

Whether you use all four of these selling techniques or just one or two, you’re on your way toward educating your clients about the CIPP lining process. Pipe lining  has become increasingly popular due to the needs of the marketplace. While you sell your company and CIPP lining service keep these four selling techniques in mind!


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